
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Here's another awesome song for you....get up and dance if you must. I can't blame you. I do the same thing...but please, when you're done, check out my next blog entry  :) 

So, again, I'm going to combine Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.  There really isn't much to report and the days were pretty much the same thing, different day.

Monday:  I got up and took my HCG and waited for the 15 minutes to be up when I could eat or drink.  I took B-12 drop and gulped down a glass of water. That B-12 sucks! It tastes like cough medicine. ugh.  I developed a massive headache, and so I took a "magic" pill (tension headache) and about 15 minutes after I took it, I got weak, violently nauseous, shaky, and the headache got worse.  We were getting ready to go grocery shopping, but I had to lie down for almost an hour.

When I woke up, I felt much better, and I just assumed that it was the caffeine on an empty stomach.  I ate one of my breadsticks and we headed to Publix.  We bought apples, spinach, asparagus, zucchini, tilapia, stevia, chicken breast, and coffee. It was the easiest and quickest grocery store run I think we've ever done! haha!!  We got home and cooked up some chicken breast and made a salad dressing with apple cider vinegar, water, lemon juice, garlic, and spices. Then had a chicken and spinach salad.  The headache returned a couple of hours after lunch, and continued for the next day and half. It was horrible. We did some research and discovered that people that have a strong addiction to carbs (my favorite thing in the world...let's be real) have a hard time with nausea, headaches, and even muscle aches as they come off the carbs. Bingo! We also found it only lasts a couple of days, so I settled in for a long two days of pain, grinned and bore it, and crossed my fingers that it would be worth it.

We had chicken and curried zucchini and apple for dinner and the vegetables were so delish! Then shared half an orange for dessert.  We also started watching a documentary on the Buddha, and it was really good and interesting, and actually answered a few questions I didn't know I had! But unfortunately, with the headache, that was as close to my meditative journey as I could get that day!  All in all, except for the headache, it wasn't bad at all. I did get hungry, but no more so than any other day. I ate my breadstick as a midnight snack and was excited to step on the scale and see if this was working!

Tuesday morning eats are basically the exact same as Monday, but we had grilled Tilapia and asparagus for dinner:

So yummy!  Except for the blasted headache, I am beginning to think this diet won't be so bad.  And you know what the BEST part is?!?! I'm losing weight like crazy! Whoohoo! 

Wednesday morning started off pretty bad headache wise. I had an apple and two cups of coffee and then started to feel so much better. By the afternoon, I was pretty much bouncing off the walls! I had so much energy and felt so good! It didn't hurt that I was losing weight every couple of hours or so. No lie.  Crazy....check this awesomeness out: 

A lady never tells her age or weight, so I guess I'm no lady! Cause here I goes! :)

Loading day Starting weight (Saturday): 190
Loading day 2 (Sunday): 196
Morning of Phase 2, after two days of loading(Monday): 193
Tuesday morning: 189.5  
Wednesday morning: 187.5 

Wowza!!! Definitely worth the headache! And just to give you a preview of things to gets better! Yes!! 

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