
Monday, May 21, 2012 I've been a slacker the past few days and haven't updated. So I have about four days worth of glorious gluttony to report before we get down to business today. Today is the first day of phase 2 of our diet.  That means it's bye bye eating, and hello praying. Well, for me, it will be meditating and studying Buddhism. Semantics...whatever. let me take you back to Thursday (wow, this is gonna take a while!), and a nice day for good eats.  My mother in law and I spent the morning on the beach, snacking on sweets, fruit, and chips, and sipping on Red Bulls and sodas. It was quite lovely.  My husband got off work early, and I left Mama 2 on the beach to pick him up. After we all got home, we decided to head to a little hole in the wall Honduran restaurant to pick up the best Cubanitos in town.  We were served a cup of delightful veggie soup, and then our cubans with a side of black beans and rice, followed by sweet plaintains.  Those sandwiches are huge! It is a whole loaf of cuban bread filled with pork, ham, pickles, swiss, mustard, and a touch of Mojo marinade. YUM!!

Ok...So I have a really hard time remembering to take photos for you guys before I dive in to all the yummy goodness. But this will give you an idea, at least! You can definitely tell that the woman who owns the restaurant is full of love. You might even suspect, after eating her food, that she actually loves you too! There is something beautiful and exciting in her food, and you feel so good and comforted and satisfied after eating here. So delicious and yummy! 

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