
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Today was an amazing food day. Probably my favorite yet. Of all time. Oh, yes. I had one of my all time favorite meals! About a 30 minute drive south of us is a little shack on the river called JB's Fish Camp.  It started as just that about 20 years ago. JB bought a bunch of oyster beds along the river in New Smyrna Beach. At first, folks just bought the fish, oysters, shrimp, etc. Then every once in a while, they'd have a fish fry. Since then, it has turned into a full fledged restaurant, with kitschy crap on the walls, brown paper torn off a roll for a "table cloth," paper plates, and plastic cups.

For starters, we had clam strips and softshell crab. So delicious and unfortunately, the crab was devoured before pictorial evidence could be obtained. I still have a little trouble with the crab, because I have this weird thing about eating anything that I could distinguish what it looked like in it's living form. But I quickly get over it because it tastes so freakin good that it doesn't matter.

For dinner, I had a half pound of cajun spiced, steamed hot shrimp with a side of cole slaw. I have never had such amazing shrimp. I can't even describe for you the deliciousness. Here, this will give you a vague idea...

...but seriously, get your patooties down to JB's and get some shrimp. It will change your life. Sure changed mine. Luckily, on my new hCG diet, shrimp is allowed. So, that makes me a happy girl!

Look at all that shrimp in its shrimpy goodness! Ahh! The food was amazing, it's a cool place to eat, and it's right on the river. A lot of people pull up their boats to the dock, jump off, feed their faces, and sail away to play with the dolphins and manatees in the river.  Unfortunately, we didn't see any marine life on this trip, but the first time we went to JB's, there was a manatee in the river. He swam right up to the dock, and played with the guests that were brave enough to venture into the water with him.  It was super cool.

Anyway, we gorged ourselves and enjoyed being under the Florida sky, looking out over the river and enjoying the breeze. And I honestly couldn't tell if I was eating, praying, or loving this day. And I have a feeling that when all is said and done, that will be the point of my journey. Hopefully, every experience will be like this one.

For dessert, we were treated to a thunderstorm off in the distance, and my husband managed to snap these amazing pictures....

What an amazing end to an amazing meal! When we arrived back home, we were treated yet again to this:

That, ladies and gents, is a double rainbow! As if the day couldn't get any better! Someone once told me that a double rainbow represents transformations and new beginnings in your life. It couldn't be more fitting for me right now, as I am on a desperate journey for just that.  I'll take it as a sign for sure! 

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