
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Eat, Pray, Love...Beach style

Lately, I've been feeling some sort my bones. Growing pains, wanderlust, boredom, yearning...yada, yada, yada.  2011 was a pretty crazy, awesome, life changing year.  I married the love of my life, moved 500 miles away from home and family, left the only job I've ever loved or ever wanted, and found myself surrounded by palm trees, warm Florida sunshine, ocean breezes, and (this is the best part!) Disney World! So, everyday I am reminded of one of my favorite quotes, (and it seems I'm living it these days), "Life is like licking honey off a thorn."  So the theme of 2012 seems to be, "how do I cope with all this delicious honey and keep from cutting my tongue on the thorns?"

Bear with me for a moment, because I'm going to jump around a bit. I have to get a few things off my chest, then I intend to more formally introduce myself,  organize my life (and blog!), and hopefully make some sense! I am a very random girl, with very random interests, and this will definitely be reflected in this very random blog...Ok, so let's get this off my chest and into motion....

I started ballet classes when I was three years old. I've been dancing or teaching ever since. Until now. Over the years, I did a lot more teaching than dancing, and my body has changed accordingly. I am almost 31 years old, and I weigh twice as much as I did when I was 21. Of course, I was a sickly 92 lbs at 21 years old, but still, twice as much?! I've finally decided that this is unacceptable. So, for me, the first step of my journey will be to find a happy medium somewhere.

My husband and I have decided to try HCG and the crazy diet that goes with it. A co-worker of his has found great success, and I hope that we do as well. It's a really scary prospect for me, mostly because I don't believe in my willpower or my dedication. Especially when that willpower involves turning down good food.  So...I've decided to look at the process in a new light, and give more meaning to this journey than just losing weight.  Inspired by the lovely Elizabeth Gilbert, I'm going into this a la "eat, pray, love."  For the next week and a half, I'm eating. Good food, my favorite food, any food I want. And I'm not going to feel guilty about it. Not one iota.  Of course, I'll be doing all of this from Florida, and not Italy, but it's all I've got to work with at the moment!  When the HCG comes in, we will be going on a strict diet and to go with my (hopefully) new found discipline, I want to start a spiritual journey (for lack of a better word) as well.  I am going to incorporate meditation, buddhist teachings, and a whole lot of self searching into this 24 day period of my life. It won't be India, but it will be the ocean! And that for me, could be just as good! So, the plan is that when my eating and praying is through, that there will be a lot of love waiting for me on the other side. Since I have already found (and married) the love of my life, I hope to find a different kind of love. Most importantly, a self-love, a love of life, more confidence, acceptance and contentment.

Tonight was definitely a good start to eating! We had an early dinner at a European Cafe and Schnitzel house. Home made, authentic German cuisine! Amazing!! We (my husband, mother in law, and a good friend) shared schnitzel, goulash, cabbage rolls, pirogies, saurkraut, bread, cheese, potatoes, and apple strudel!  I wish I'd taken pictures! So much good food! My belly was definitely happy.  And the atmosphere was great. I was really transported by the experience. When we were done, walking out into the Florida sunshine was shocking to me. I honestly thought that I had been transported to Germany. It was such a great experience, I wanted to latch on to it, hold it. I didn't want to leave. It was a perfect dining experience!!! I have a feeling that this eating phase will be quite enjoyable! And soon, the praying phase will be quite necessary! haha!!

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